Our Story


SabioHealth At-Home: Delivering expert, culturally attuned in-home primary care to overlooked adults 65+, right in their living rooms. We’re a dedicated team addressing unique health needs, access challenges, and health inequities in medically underserved and overlooked communities in Georgia.

Our goal? Universal access to exceptional whole-person primary care, overcoming physical or logistic barriers. Our Geriatrician-led team are experts in home-based primary care for older adults, managing age-related conditions and balancing treatment complexities. We consider not just physical, but also mental and emotional wellbeing, crafting a holistic healthcare strategy.

Choose SabioHealth At-Home, reshaping primary care for Medicare beneficiaries 65+ in the comfort of their own home, wherever home may be.

Dr Carla Perissinotto

Our Why

sabio [sah-beeoh]

adjective: sage; wise.

We believe our country’s older adults and ourselves as aging people deserve excellent health and health care. We believe health care models should be created for older adults, not adapted to older adults. We believe age-friendly primary care is best suited to manage older adults with multiple chronic conditions, and the home is the best care setting to do it. We believe we should use technology where it makes sense, and not pretend that people and relationships don’t matter. We all matter. Relationships Matter. Aging Matters. That is why we are SabioHealth At-Home.

Carla Perissinotto, MD, Owner & Medical Director

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